What's New

See release notes here

Find services near a locaton

Search for a location

Click in the "find address or place" box and enter in the location you're looking for, a specific address, a city name, or zip code and hit Enter. If you are not finding resources near your exact location, you may want to try typing in the name of a nearby city.

or Detect Locaton

If your device allows location detection, click this icon to allow the system to find your current location.


Use a mouse to zoom into and click on a location.


After the map zooms in and populates with resources, scroll down or use the small arrows in the upper right hand corner of the menu to see different resource types.

Adjust the sliding bar to change the search radius from 1 to 10 miles for each resource type.

The search results will show you resources available within your specified search radius. The default is 3 miles.

Click on a resource in the list to see more information about it and use the Directions button to open up the location in Google Maps.

Contact Us

Contact DSHS Alternative Solutions if you have any questions about this app at AlternativeSolutions@dshs.wa.gov

This app is created by DSHS Enterprise GIS